Closing Message


Updated 31st December 2023:

🎄🌟 Our Last Christmas 🎄🌟

Christmas 2023 was extra special as it marked the last one for our small business. It’s time for us to close this door and this chapter.

We want to say the biggest heartfelt thank you to our incredible customers, family, fellow small business friends, community and everyone who has made our chocolate journey so memorable. Thank you for all of your support and kindness along the way.

We could write a novel on our reasons about reaching this decision but for these small squares we will say this: 

We’ve worked full time jobs, alongside making bean to bar chocolate and running our small business successfully for 3 years. Whilst quitting the day jobs to take the next step could be something to allow our business growth, we know that this wouldn’t be right for us personally. Our priority for where we spend our time and energy, has simply changed. So we’re hopeful and somewhat relieved to have reached the decision to focus on our life outside of Green Door (and ultimately long-term happiness) with our love for chocolate still intact.

We’re so proud to have made delicious award-winning bean to bar chocolate, brought it to our community of Bath and beyond, and done our very best to share a story of cacao and chocolate, still unheard by many. We know that making bean to bar chocolate is a unique skill we have for life, with everything else we’ve learnt and gained since we embarked on this experience. It’s definitely changed us as people, in every best way. 

We have now sold out and our online shop is now permanently closed. 

Be kind to your small business friends.

THANK YOU for everything 

 ~ Nick & Steph ~